Cyberin Systems also provides Staffing Services with Precision.

Cyberin’s Staffing Solutions provides retained and contingency-based search and recruitment services for companies of varying sizes across industry segments. We also help executives find workplaces of their choice, matching their professional skills, career aspirations and personality attributes with the requirement, performance demands and work culture of organizations.

During the hiring process for this specific sector, equal importance is given to candidates’ domain knowledge and their inclination towards ethics and integrity. In order to achieve the stated objective, we do various reference checks and ensure that there are no gaps in the process.

If you would like to know more about our services

Please get in touch with us today.

Given our industry expertise and leadership position in the market, Cyberin Systems is best placed to offer recruitment, staffing and outsourcing solutions to suit the needs of any organisation in India or any part of the world.

Leadership is the single most important contributing factor to an organization’s success. Board level appointments, Executive Search, CXO level solutions Senior Executives and Top Management form the most critical resources for any organization. Identifying, screening, assessing and recruiting qualified individuals to serve in a dynamic environment requires insight, creativity and experience, at Accord we are experts at this.

Today companies are increasingly turning to specialized search firms to help them find leaders who can take them to newer heights. We have what it takes to help you hire the right person to occupy the C-Suite roles in your organization.

We are providing Head Hunting Services for middle and senior-level recruitment. Our efficient employees do the industry mapping, focus n find out the profiles having the competence for your requirement. Once they identify the ‘right’ person, they use their professional and social contacts to reach him.

The search executive explains to him the job parameters, the compensation package and the positive effect of such assignments on his subsequent career. A discreet reference to the people recruited earlier is also made and the candidate is invited to contact them to verify the facts. Thus, the head hunting team eliminates the possibility of the fact that “the best man may not even apply to the advertisements”